Shop My Services

shop my services

Health Coaches guide, empower and support their clients to improve their health and meet their individual wellness goals….one step at a time!

Initial 30-minute consultation is free. Contact me to schedule.

1:1 Single Session

Single one-on-one session (45-60 minutes)

Includes follow up summary email and weekly text/live check in


1:1 Monthly Package

4 weekly one-on-one sessions (45-60 minutes)

Includes emails summaries and weekly text/live check in


Pantry Makeover

(45–60 minute session)

Together we tour your pantry and explore simple fixes to incorporate whole, unprocessed and delicious real food. Educational tools include label reading 101, smart shopping lists, traffic light eating strategies and healthy substitutions.



Group Presentations

Group Prime-Time Health Series
(90 minute interactive session)

  • Scientifically proven plan that provides a roadmap to better health for adults and seniors. The Prime Time approach empowers individuals to take charge of their health journey
  • Prevent disease and unhealthy aging
  • Boost energy levels, reduce stress, sleep better, and think sharper
  • Use good nutrition to help decrease pain and inflammation
  • Become fit, flexible and strong



$125.00/person for all 4 sessions